There are various grades available for the edible market. We at Cm Enterprises have recently started marketing of edible salt under our own brand of Cm Enterprises-SALT and are also providing to many packers and suppliers. Our edible grades are used in numerous food related industries like bread making, confectionery, bakery, cereals, butter and cheese, pickles and spices, etc.
Salt is used in the bread manufacturing for the stability of the wheat gluten and helps to lower the rate of fermentation. Salt acts as a starter in the culture of micro-organisms and helps modifying enzyme activity in the production of cheese. In pickles, salt helps in controlling the microbiological and pyrogenic growth, and thus provides the conditions conducive for fermentation.
Fleur de Sel is a rare and very special sea salt and is a gift from nature. Cm Enterprises SALT can boast of a very high quality of the fleur de Sel harvested by it.
Cm Enterprises- is also in the manufacturing and research of fortified salts like :-
Iodized Salt which is fortified with Iodine and is essential for the prevention of Goiter. In Pakistan, an estimated 20 million people are residing in the endemic goitrous areas and about 8 million of these are suffering from one or other form of (IDD) Iodine Deficiency Disorders. One million of these people are victims of mental retardation, which effects school performance and other activities adversely. Use of Iodized Salt is the easiest and cheapest means for the supplementation of Iodine. The recommended concentration of Iodine is 70 parts per million in Salt at the manufacturing stage.
Fluoridated Salt is fortified by adding measured amount of Sodium Fluoride in dry salt. This product is not being marketed at this time but the product is ready for production. All the possible testing have been developed for the proper quality maintenance during production with excellent in-house quality assurance which will guarantee the production of this grade of Edible salt according to our TQM programs. It is an accepted fact that if the ORAL HEALTH is neglected and not taken care of promptly, it can result in tooth loss or decay, which means visits to the dentist. A recent research has shown a strong positive association between oral health status and systemic health involving the cardiovascular and other general body systems. The research confirms the association between periodontal infections, untreated caries and cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes and even in many cases some complications in pregnancy.
Proper intake of Fluoride and getting rid of the deficiency can help us in the prevention of the above mentioned diseases. The first international symposium on Salt Fluoridation concluded that :-
“Table salt is an ideal vehicle for administering Fluoride, and salt fluoridation is an effective and safe measure for partial control of dental caries. Its wider use should be encouraged and supported”
Double Fortified (Iron And Iodine)
CM Enterprises is involved in the research for the fortification of salt with Iron as well as Iodine, simultaneously. The basic idea of double fortification of salt was conceived firstly by the many researchers who are busy in this activity for the last 20 years. The major problem being faced was the interaction between Iodine and Iron which results in loss of Iodine. We have, Alhamdollilah, developed the process and now double fortified salt with Iron and Iodine is available in two different grades